Salt is a condiment for our daily life, but where did this salt come from?

Sea salt is one of the earliest minerals extracted from the ocean. The main component is sodium chloride. It is closely related to human life. In ancient times, sea salt was an important raw material for human supplements.

Food with sea salt is not only delicious but also contains rich minerals such as calcium and magnesium, which is conducive to the full absorption of food nutrition in the human body. Now, although salt has been widely eaten, Haiyan is still favored.

A Salt field is a way to make sea salt, which is to evaporate the water in the seawater and finally produce sea salt. This is the traditional method for extracting sea salt.

The enhanced evaporation method of seawater salt is the method of using liquid evaporation. This method is to sprinkle with salt water at a certain height or to spray salt water under a certain pressure.

This is fully expanded to the contact area of salt water and flowing water vapor and air, increasing the evaporation area, thereby strengthening evaporation and shortening the evaporation time to improve the evaporation efficiency of saline.

We can find salt fields on many coasts, and they are the production base of sea salt. In order to prevent water and salt from penetrating each other, salt fields are usually built on clay.

In addition, in order to enable seawater to flow into salt fields, workers should often organize to prevent the excessive tide from destroying salt fields. The work of salt is now mechanized, which greatly improves production efficiency.

After the seawater evaporates on the coastline or desert, a large amount of salt and other minerals will be left to form a vast and diverse salt field.

Salt fields are generally white, but due to the different chemical components of salt fields, other colors such as red, green, or pink will also appear.

China's coastline is very long, and the coastal marine resources are rich, and the sea salt resources are very rich. The production of Chinese sea salt generally uses sun exposure.

This is mainly to use coastal beaches to build salt fields to attract seawater irrigation. Then evaporate into saline through the sun. The production of raw salt in sun exposure has the advantages of energy saving and low cost.

However, due to the influence of geography and climate, it is impossible for us to build a salt field on all coastal coasts. If the air is dry, the sunshine is long, and the amount of evaporation is large, the salt output will be high.

Salt fields in northern China are only suitable for making sea salt from March to November.

The color, texture, taste, and use of sea salt and edible salt are different. There are many colors of sea salt, including white, pink, black, etc., while edible salt is mostly white. The texture of Shanghai is thick, and the quality of edible salt is delicate.

Compared with ordinary salt, the mineral content of sea salt can provide more nutrition for the human body. To research, sea salt has a healthcare effect on treating asthma, relieving depression, and balancing blood sugar.